Christmas is a Spiritual and Sacred Festival as it celebrate birth Of Jesus.
Infant Jesus was born in Bethlehem -House of Bread- and his emergence was accorded deep reverence by poor shepherds, who first came to know about his birth and then by Three Wise Men of the East, who brought gifts of GOLD, MYRRH and FRANKINCENSE.
Jesus is known as 'ISA' in Eastern Lands, the dedication being fragrant with with sweet and sacred associations. However, the gospel records say so little about the early life of Jesus till he suddenly surfaced as a teacher at the age of 30. It is believed that Jesus traveled in Asian countries and came in touch with Budhist and Hindu influences. His gospel is reminiscent of the wisdom of Sri Krishna, Budha and Rishis-Hindu Sages. Quotes an Eastern record, "He is great and just Isa and Isu, in whom dwells soul of the Universe". His thought ' Be ye perfect as the Father in Heaven is perfect', shocked the Jews as the expression was essentially Aryan and thus Indian. His sayings were simple and revealed an artist and a deep thinker, in fact a Rishi-sage who saw the Universe with the eyes of a creator, soul of a seer and was a man of cosmic consciousness.
Jesus moved in an atmosphere of Essenes and observed the triple vow of poverty, vegetarianism and simple living and had the Aryan reverence for life. So Jesus, born a Jew, theoretically belongs to the Hindu group of Krishna and Budha and the trio are brothers in the Kingdom of Spirit
Puri, a township on the coast of Bay of Bengal in Orissa state, India,is an exotic place of Hindu pilgrimage. There stands the sacred temple. Near by roll and gush the waves of the sea and near the temple stands a small abbey- ashram with a beautiful garden dedicated to Christ . In the center is a small shrine having the Crusifix. Every day during a prayer meeting portions of Psalms and the New Testament are recited both by the members of the abbey as well as outsiders.
Jesus is a living truth, was despised, rejected and crusified by civilization, but today is enthroned in the hearts of both pious and sinners in the East and West . Jesus Christ belongs to the race of Prophets in this world of hate and strife. Will love triumph some how!
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