To millions around the world, Sadhu Vaswani is a name synonymous with reverence for all life. Born on November 25, 1879 in Hyderabad, Sind to serve humanity, Sadhu Vaswani became the living embodiment of unsullied love that knew no bounds, a unique embracing love that included all mankind, animals and other creations. He cared deeply for the birds in the air and animals on earth and protected them whenever he could. More so, he realized the synthesis between the culture of the East and the West and the link between the ancient and new.
He founded the Sadhu Vaswani Mission in Hyderabad,Sindh and after partition of India in August 1947 settled down at Poona and gradually added many spiritual and educational institutes. Citing the activities of Sadhu Vaswani, Dr Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, extolled ' The life of Vaswaniji is a saga of unassuming service, spiritual illumination and source of inspiration to all.' Thus he became one of the leading spiritual luminaries 0f India and a man of compassion and spirit.
He vehemently believed that all that all JIVAS-creatures are eternal and whosoever kills a creature for food or otherwise,hurts the Eternal Heart. In reverence to feelings of Dada Vaswani, November 25 each yearis observed as Meatless- Animal Rights Day.
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