Today is Peepali Poornima-Full Moon day of the Indian month of Vaisakh. On this auspicious day, the tribals of Abu Hills gather in Mount Abu to immerse the ashes of their departed elders in the Nakki Lake. The tribals are termed as GIRASIYA as they are Gir Vasi-Residents of the Aravalli Hills. Bathing and shedding of the nails in the lake is customary and a sacred ritual on account of the firm belief of the colorful community that the Nakki Lake was excavated in ancient times by the sages with their finger nails-Nakh and so the name.
It is more a celebration.stoic and addiction to indolence and ease with an aura of nonchalance. While women adorn ethnic colorful clothes, the men, mostly in tribal garb and youngsters, now suitably modernized, as far as dress is concerned, sport western garb and together move about, profusely garlanded, brandishing spears and knick knacks, with song and dance, partaking of the delicacies on sale with due partiality to country liquor. After day long merry making in tipsy stupor and towards the evening, they reluctantly start the return journey to their respective abodes in the hills and plains.